Wednesday, December 12, 2007

STARTTS 2008 Program

10 December 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

Re: STARTTS 2008 Autumn Women’s Program

STARTTS will be running a program of activities for women from March through to May in 2008. We would like to ask for feedback from women who have come from refugee backgrounds about what types of activities they would like to see provided under this program. Below are some of the ideas for activities that STARTTS are currently considering:

*Bus trips to Grafton and Dorrigo.

*Craft day, this could include a visit to the Beading Warehouse in Coffs Harbour.

*A day in the surf.

*Women’s pamper day.

These are simply suggestions, there is no obligation to participate in any of the above activities, however STARTTS wishes to give women some ideas about the possibilities.

We welcome suggestions from women about other possible activities they may wish to be involved in.

Please contact us at STARTTS on 66 509 195 or call into the office on the corner of Park Avenue and Earl Streets if you are interested in participating in the program or would just like to know more about what’s planned for 2008 generally.

We look forward to talking with you further.

Yours truly,

Lisa White and Denise Tunks
STARTTS Coffs Harbour.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Interagency Success Stories

Hi Everyone,

Just a brief reminder that at the last meeting of the year scheduled for Thursday 13/12/07, 10:30am at Council we will be having some short presentations from all of you on your success stories followed by morning tea and informal networking.

Therefore I need some of you to come forward and share with us your successes, it could be anything, a positive outcome for your service, a successful project or event or a new initiative you may have undertaken, anything you would like to share. I have had some responses but need a couple more willing volunteers.

Looking forward to hearing from some of you soon.



Friday, November 23, 2007

Violence Against Women

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) wishes to focus public attention on the worldwide tragedy that International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on November 25, represents.

HREOC President, John von Doussa QC, Human Rights Commissioner, Graeme Innes AM and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Tom Calma are once again White Ribbon Day Ambassadors.

"It is not only an international tragedy that we need to have a day to symbolise and draw attention to the prevalence of violence against women in all societies throughout the world," said Mr von Doussa. "But worse that we, as a nation, must take this day to reflect upon the fact that we consider Australia to be a sophisticated 21st century country, yet violence against women is one of our greatest social problems."

The Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey Australia (2005) found that over 400,000 men were perpetrators of violence against women and almost 1.3 million Australian women had experienced physical and sexual violence from a current or former partner since the age of 15.

"If this tragedy is to be stopped, men must unite with women to make it clear that violence against women is not acceptable in our society under any circumstances," Mr von Doussa said.

"The basic philosophy of human rights is that we should all live free from fear, harassment and discrimination," said Commissioner Innes. "The fact that so many Australian women live their lives with violence means that their human rights are being infringed upon, often on a daily basis. As a nation we need to stop on November 25 and think about why White Ribbon Day exists and look to what we, as individuals and a society, can do to change things for the better."

"Promotion needs to be backed up with action," said Commissioner Calma. "Support services, such as early intervention and prevention programs, and specialist family violence services, to which men and women can turn, are essential in combating this sort of violence and abuse in our society. Continued awareness and innovation, coupled with public and government support for such organisations and programs is absolutely essential, particularly in regard to Indigenous people and communities."

Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick, said "I am particularly heartened by the cross-section and calibre of men who have chosen to be White Ribbon Day Ambassadors – it sends a powerful message to the Australian public. The greater the number of men who speak out as role models to say that violence against women is wrong and not to be tolerated, the greater the chance of combating the problem within our community. Freedom for women from discrimination, harassment and violence is one of the three main themes that I will be discussing with the Australian public during my ‘Listening Tour’, which commences the day after White Ribbon Day."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Position Vacant Coffs Harbour

Department of Health and Ageing
Closing date: Thursday, 22 November 2007NSW State OfficeOffice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Branch, Indigenous Whole of Government and Mainstream Access Section
Job Title: Solution Broker
Job Type: Ongoing, Non-ongoing (Temporary), Full-time
Salary: $76,718 - $87,498
Location: Coffs Harbour & Dubbo NSW
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position No: Several Positions
Job Description Duties A key priority for the Department of Health and Ageing is to work toward improved health outcomes for Aboriginal peoples. As part of this role the Department has established Solution Broker positions to work with Indigenous Coordination Centres (ICCs) to contribute Health and Ageing expertise in developing whole of Government solutions to better address indigenous disadvantage.As a Solution Broker you will need to focus strategically, harness information and opportunities to explore innovative ideas, steer and implement change, develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders, negotiate persuasively and understand issues impacting on Aboriginal people.You will also represent and promote awareness of the Department’s policy and programs to the ICC, take a lead role in brokering innovative Whole of Government solutions to better meet the health and ageing needs of Aboriginal people, explore opportunities to improve program coordination, flexibility and access and cultivate productive relationships with other Government and non Government agencies and Aboriginal communities.Current drivers license, and the ability to travel within rural and remote areas is required. Notes All applicants must quote reference number 07-1169. Applications close 7pm EDST.This is a Full-time, non-ongoing position for a Specified TermOngoing and non-ongoing positions are available. The positions are not required to commence work until February 2008
About Department of Health and Ageing Department of Health and Ageing is focussed on achieving better health and active ageing for Australians. We need capable and motivated people working with us to make this happen. If you want to join our team, and can meet our job requirements, we invite you to apply for a position with us to build better health, better care and a better life for all Australians. Our selection process is now much simpler. The first step is a written application stating how you meet our core capabilities. If you are short listed, the final step is an interview including a short work sample test. Further information and application forms are available in our Application Kit, available online or by phoning the contact person for the job. Hearing or speech impaired applicants can obtain the election documents from the Department's TTY number (02) 6289 5945. We welcome applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people from diverse backgrounds.
To Apply
Selection Documentation:
Linda Mere, 02 9263 3564,
Position Contact:
Peter Merrett, 02 9263 3561
Effective People Pty Ltd Personnel and Recruitment Consultants PO Box 3907 Weston Creek ACT Australia 2611
Agency Recruitment Site:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Blokes Course



A nine–week course for blokes dealing in relationships, communication, anger and resentments, drugs and alcohol, sexuality, fathering and roles of men in today’s society.

WHEN: Commencing 18th October 2007

WHERE: Boambee East Community Centre
Bruce King Drive Boambee East
TIME: Thursday Nights at 7.00 PM
Book your spot by calling
The Neighbourhood House 66584655
Chuck Reimal 0422262825
Lloyd Francis 0412714516

A course for real men to learn to become
better blokes

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Submission Writing

Arts Mid North Coast Inc

Grant Submission Writing Workshop
and Consultations
(for the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Areas)

25th October 2007
Are you planning to submit a State or Federal Arts funding application in 2007 – 2008
Submission Writing Workshop
9.30 – 12.30 - Thursday 25th October 2007
Learn the basics of Where are the Funds?
Overview and understanding of the submission process
Working up an application
How to increase the potential success of your application
Being clear about what it is you want to do
The Auspice
What type of submission is it?
Reading and understanding the guidelines
Talking over your proposal with a contact Officer
Researching related to your submission
Costing your proposal
Support for your submission
Succinctness and Brevity
Follow-up support

Followed by Individual Consultations
Come and discuss your proposal with the Regional Arts Development Officer
Twenty Minute Consultations will be held in the Afternoon from 1.30 – 4.30
25th October at the Coffs Harbour Education Campus
Innovation Centre Board Room
Please book your time slot Prior to the day
For Bookings or Further Information Contact 02 66589400

Thankyou and have a great day

Russell Stockley
Arts Mid North Coast Inc
C/- Coffs Harbour Education Campus
Hogbin Drive
Coffs Harbour 2450
Ph: 02 66589400
Fax: 02 66589411

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

African Immigration

Anti-Discrimination Board Statement on Decision to Suspend African Immigration

By the President of the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW, Dr Stepan Kerkyasharian AM

30 years of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act

The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Mr Andrews might have been surprised by the reaction to his announcement last week to put a halt to further arrivals of people from Africa . I am sure if he expected people from all walks of life and across the political spectrum to see racism in the decision he wouldn’t have made it and he wouldn’t have presented it the way he did.

Since the official end of the White Australia policy, Australia has prided itself on the non-discriminatory nature of its immigration policy. This year we celebrate 30 years of legislated recognition that we do not discriminate on grounds of race or other characteristics. Mr Andrews, by his comments has introduced a quantum shift in the assessment of potential migrants in that, instead of assessing the individual and individual’s suitability to settle in Australia, we should now assess someone by way of race or country of origin. That is something that has never been done by any of his predecessors from either side of politics since the demise of the White Australia policy.

In fact to do so would surely amount to racial discrimination, because it would fit a classic description of race being the determinant characteristic of a decision, in other words it is the race which is being assessed and not the individual.

Yet, Mr Andrews has apparently created new criteria for assessing who should come and who should not, based on race and country of origin.

What are his criteria for determining that any refugee of Sudanese origin, ipso facto, is not suitable to settle in Australia? We have over the last half century successfully integrated people from almost every conceivable cultural, linguistic, racial and religious background on earth. Of course there were teething problems. Of course each group produced its own crooks and thugs… and its own brilliant students, performers, entrepreneurs and sportspeople.

So, if the Government judges that this latest wave of new settlers is going to have more difficulty than any previous one there might be a reason other than the culture or race of the people themselves. Perhaps we did not serve these desperate people well. Perhaps the Department of Immigration was not well prepared to receive and settle people who had experienced the worst that mankind could tolerate?

Why did it decide to send them to so-called non-traditional settlement locations? Why did it not properly prepare those host communities that lacked the infrastructure and the tradition of settling refugees to receive the African arrivals? Why did it outsource the settlement task out of the bureaucracy and effectively removing it from the direct responsibility of Government?

Those questions should be answered in full before we introduce race as a criteria for choosing which refugees to accept. Surely as Australians we are accustomed to caring for those who, through no fault of their own, are destitute and homeless.

Mr Andrews has introduced a racial element that cannot but open the door to accusations of racial discrimination. All Australians, whatever their personal views, will feel the sting of those accusations from our international friends and rivals alike.

The international newsagency Reuters left its clients’ readers, listeners and viewers in no doubt about how they should interpret Mr Andrews decision when it said “Race looms ahead of Australian elections” inferring it pointed to a return of race politics as had been championed by Pauline Hanson a decade ago.

But more importantly it will harm us as a society. It attacks our community harmony and our notions of community harmony by sending signals that its fine to criticise anyone purely on the basis of their ethnic background, without any regard to the damage done to thousands of other law-abiding Australians of the same background. In 2007 that is something we simply don’t need especially in the year that we celebrate the 30 th anniversary of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the establishment of the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Positions Locum Case Managers

Join a team that makes a difference
The organisation
Community Care Options has a proud 17 year record of providing case management and direct services to older people, people with a disability, people with Dementia and their carers, living in the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca areas. Our services focus on the empowerment, dignity and independence of our clients and their support network. With over 80 employees, the Organisation provides services to more than 230 people through a range of programs, and operates out of 3 local offices. For more information about the organisation see

We have current casual vacancies for Locum Case Managers.
Professionals and final year university students are invited to apply to join our casual register of staff. These positions suit people who want flexible work arrangements, in a well-respected and professional organisation. Locum appointments are available on a casual and project basis. Successful applicants will demonstrate a strong commitment to our values, and will be rewarded with a supportive work environment, ongoing professional development. These positions are paid under Cat 3 of the SACS (NSW State) Award.

Applicants must address all selection criteria outlined below. For a confidential discussion about the positions, contact Nicole Jut on (02) 66502006. Applications to or by mail to: The Human Resources Manager, Community Care Options, P.O. Box 1382 Coffs Harbour 2450.

Applications are accepted at any time, however we have immediate vacancies and so applicants are encouraged to submit their application at the earliest opportunity.

Our Programs are funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.
We are proud to be an EEO Employer.

MID NORTH COAST Community Care Options
~ Respect and value people as individuals
~ Strive to improve the quality of life of clients and carers
~ Are guided by an ethical framework
~ Operate in a professional way
~ Encourage creativity & initiative

Selection Criteria – Locum Case Manager

Demonstrated experience/skills:
1. Sensitivity towards people with disabilities, older people and their carers
2. Commitment to the rights of clients
3. Non-judgemental attitude
4. Degree in a people centred discipline or equivalent experience
5. Providing case management for people with complex needs
6. Assessing clients’ service needs
7. Understanding of, and commitment to EEO, OH&S and anti discrimination
8. Record keeping/report writing
9. Financial Management in a work context
10. Work effectively as part of a team
11. Work with minimum supervision
12. Excellent written and verbal communication
13. Confident computer user
14. Current unrestricted NSW Driver's license

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Co-Ordinator Position Coffs Harbour Support Services

Position Vacant:

Coordinator Accommodation Services (Ref CRD OP)

Salary: Up to SACS Grade IV (depending on skills, experience and qualifications)

Position Overview
This position oversees CHSS Outreach/Drop-In Accommodation Service. The project currently supports 16 people to live in their own homes within Coffs Harbour with flexible, person centred drop-in support. The program is delivered by an experienced and skilled staff team of 6 permanent part time staff plus casual relief staff.

People utilising support through this program range in age from 33 years through to 70 years. An initiative to better address the needs of people with disabilities as they age will be established under this program in early 2008. This will involve the establishment of an alternate accommodation framework provided through co-located units attached to 24 hour accommodation support for a small number of service users.

There is a real requirement to have a relationship and “know” the clients and families in this service to be able to anticipate their changing support needs and for the service and support to respond accordingly.

The position is full-time and operates from our main office at Garden Terrace, 9/6 Elbow Street, Coffs Harbour.

The organisation offers salary packaging and is FBT exempt.


1. Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday 12th October 2007. They must be received at CHSS offices in hard copy by this deadline.

2. Applications should be addressed to:

The General Manager
Coffs Harbour Support Services Inc.
PO Box 1484
NSW 2450

3. Applications can be remitted by mail or alternatively may be hand delivered during office hours to Coffs Harbour Support Services Reception at Garden Terrace, 9/6 Elbow Street, Coffs Harbour, NSW. Electronic and faxed applications will not be accepted.

4. Applications should include contact names and numbers of 2 referees, with at least one of these being work related.

5. Applications should detail the position reference (CRD OPT)

6. Applications must address each of the selection criteria outlined below:

ü Relevant degree or diploma (education, health, behavioural sciences, management) or a minimum of 6 years relevant work experience in community services.
ü Demonstrated understanding of the impact of disability on clients, their families, and planning of service provision.
ü Excellent communication skills – both written and oral – and the ability to use these skills in liaison and negotiation with a range of stakeholders
ü Current First Aid Certificate (or willingness to complete in own time)
ü Current NSW Drivers Licence
ü Demonstrated Competence in use of MS Office, internet and email
ü Proven Financial Management skills (Proven ability to develop and manage budgets).
ü Ability to interpret financial reports (Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss analyses)
ü Understanding of and commitment to Ethical Practice and Equal Employment Opportunity and OH&S
ü Knowledge of contemporary management practice and experience in provision of direct supervision.
ü Experience in successful management of disability programs and projects
ü Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment
ü Knowledge and understanding of disability service system in NSW, particularly in Northern NSW
ü Knowledge and experience in administration of DADHC funded services

7. Further information on CHSS can be found on
If you require further information after reviewing the material provided in this Information Kit, you may contact Jill Smith (Operations Manager) or John Costello (General Manager) on 02 66 511 526.


1. At least 3 working days notice will be provided to applicants selected for interview.

3. Interview will be conducted by a panel comprising at least 3 panel members.

Unsuccessful Applicants:

1. Applicants who have not been short-listed for interview will be advised in writing within 21 days of the application closure date.

2. Applicants who are interviewed will be advised of the outcome of their interview within 10 working days.

Successful Applicants:
1. Successful applicants will require a Federal and NSW Criminal Record Clearance. This is undertaken by CHSS at the organisation’s expense.
2. Successful applicants will be appointed subject to a satisfactory probationary period of 3 months.
3. Permanent employment is also subject to a satisfactory physical assessment.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Screenlinks Activities

Do you have a teenager who needs something to do over the school holidays?

Always looking for someone to shoot film/video of your event, sporting competition, school play or the like? Then sponsor a teenager to learn the skills to become your clubs’ videographer.

ScreenLinks – New Courses – taught by Industry experts

So You Want To Make Your Own Short Film...? Introduction to Short Filmmaking
A 3 day script to screen workshop for young people aged 13 - 18 years


Introduction to Short Filmmaking for Youth
Tues Oct 2, Weds Oct 3 & Thurs Oct 4
ETC - Coffs Harbour80 Grafton Street

Introduction to Short Filmmaking for Youth
Tues Oct 9, Weds Oct 10 & Weds Oct 11
ETC - KempseySuite 8, 41 Belgrave St

Introduction to Short Filmmaking for Youth
Frid Oct 12, Sat Oct 13, & Sun Oct 14
Port Macquarie – Sea Acres Rainforest Centre, Pacific Drive

Screenwriting Courses for 17 years and above
Introduction to Screenwriting
Sat Oct 13 & Sun Oct 14
ETC – KempseySuite 8, 41 Belgrave St

Introduction to Screenwriting
Sat Nov 3 & Sun Nov 4
ETC – Bellingen1 Church Street

Screenwriting Workshop Intensive – the Next Step
Sat Nov 10 & Sun Nov 11Sat Nov 17 & Sun Nov 18
ETC – Coffs Harbour80 Grafton Street

Go to for full information and course details.



phone: 02 6648 3980

Christina Hyde

Holiday Activities

School Holiday Fun With

Come and have some fun. Activities include
Pet Porpoise Pool.
Beading. Big Banana. BBQ’s and more.
October 2nd-5th
Grades 4-6
Call STARTTS 66509195 Lisa or Denise

Monday, September 10, 2007

Child Protection Week

Celebration of Child Protection Week

Coffs Harbour Child Protection Interagency Committee has invited 60 schools and preschools in the Coffs LGA to join them in celebrating Child Protection Week through the children’s expression of artwork depicting the theme “what makes me feel safe in my community”.

This artwork from all children at our own preschools and schools will be displayed during Child Protection Week from Monday 3rd Sept to Sat 8th Sept at the Coffs Harbour Palms Shopping Centre upstairs stage area.

The Celebration of Child Protection Week will occur at 10am in this area to promote the theme of this years CP Week: “Kids Come First in our Community”.

Various guest speakers will discuss the need of Child Protection in our own community and provide a wonderful opportunity to view the incredible artworks from our talented children.

Face painting will be available for children as well as information on services available in the community to assist families and their children feel safe within our community.

Unfortunately child abuse and neglect is Australia’s greatest social problem and it happens because people are often reluctant to become involved. Child friendly communities will help children to be seen and heard and our local Child Protection Interagency has taken the theme for this year in Coffs harbour to be “Kids Come First in our Community”.

In child friendly communities, everyone accepts that the safety and well being of children is everyone’s responsibility. We need to encourage that everyone is involved and together we can make a positive difference in the lives of children within our community.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Australia Fair

Dear All,

The media response to the launch of the Australia Fair report, A fair go for all Australians: International Comparisons 2007 has been extensive. The Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Treasurer and Minister Brough have all had to respond to the findings of the report in the media today.

There has been coverage in most major papers across the country and radio and television interviews. The online coverage includes: The Australian, The Age, SMH, Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph, Western Australian, and Bigpond. The News Limited sites (Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and all had at least one link to a Sky News video which is a 2 minute story on the report and poverty in Australia.

Here is the link to the article:,23599,22332336-5007133,00.html which has the story and a great video clip to the report.

Today would be a good day to email your networks and get them signed onto the Australia Fair – to that end I set out below the text that has been sent to the existing Australia Fair supporters.

New Australia Fair report shows Australia is slipping behind

If 1 in 10 Australians are living below the poverty line, is Australia Fair?

You may have seen reports of the new Australia Fair report in the news today, which you can read on The report tracks poverty between 1994 and 2004 and finds that the number of Australians living below the poverty line has grown over that time.

The report also looks at how Australia’s performance compares with other rich countries.

It’s not fair that Australians are struggling with essentials such as high housing and dental care costs.

Have you sent the email on dental funding yet? It’s not too late to send it now.

Take a few steps to help make Australia fair for all.
Step 1: Log onto to have your say.
Step 2: Get your friends to get onto Australia Fair’s website.
Step 3: You can tell decision makers and the media about a fair go for all Australians.

Many thanks to those of you who assisted in the report.

Andrew Johnson
Executive Director
Australian Council of Social ServiceTel: 02 9310 4844
Fax: 02 9310 4822

Thursday, August 2, 2007

AAS Funding

Hi All
Just to let you know that the next AAS funding round is due to open this Saturday 4/8/07 and closing on Wednesday 5/9/07.
All information and application forms are available and will need to be submitted online at
All applicants will need to discuss their project concept with either myself on Ph: 66484831 or Raechel Squires Ph: 66484839 here at Council and be provided with a registration number before they can access the online form.

Kathy Abell

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Community Care Meeting

Tuesday 7th August 2007
10am -1pm
Coffs Exservices Club meeting room
Vernon St., Coffs Harbour
(change of venue - regular venues all booked)
RSVP for catering purposes

proposed agenda:

10:00 service updates, information exchange
10:45 update from the working group - infrastructure planning
accommodation / premises survey
11:10 morning tea
11:30 Kristina Cooke, Economic Development Unit and Jenni Eakins, Manager Community Services, Coffs Harbour City Council
12:00 prep. for DADHC 3 year planning cycle
- DADHC Needs ID Form
- new statistics, ABS
- mapping of Coffs Harbour LGA Community Care Services
1:00 close meeting

Please find attached DADHC needs ID Form as distributed at the February and May 2007 meetings.

Najjia HadzicMid North Coast Home and Community Care Development OfficerMNC Regional Council for Social DevelopmentPO BOX 496 Macksville 2447 NSWph: 6568 4040 mob: 0429 404 330 fax: 6568 3113email:

Anti- Discrimination Meeting


Coffs Harbour City Council's Multicultural Reference Group are inviting interested parties to attend free Anti-Discrimination workshops being held at the Botanic Gardens on Tuesday, 28 August, 2007.

Session 1 : commencing 9.30 a.m. will be targeted at service providers, local business, government organisations and agencies.

Session 2 : Commencing 1.30 p.m. will be targeted at the needs of the multicultural community, including new arrivals, students and the general public.

Each session will run for approximately 2 hours concluding with a short questions and answer segment.

Claire Williams, Community Education Officer, from the Anti-Discrimination Board will be conducting the sessions.

Morning and afternoon tea provided.

For more information or bookings please contact Susan Clarke on 6648 4833. LIMITED SEATS SO BOOK EARLY.

This imitative sponsored by Coffs Harbour City Council and the Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales.


Homelessness in NSW – some facts and figures
• In the middle of a cold and wet winter, across New South Wales, around 27,0001 people are homeless. They sleep in parks, under bridges, with friends or strangers, in vulnerable situations. Across NSW about only 15% of homeless people are lucky enough to get a place in a crisis refuge.
• In NSW, the percentages of where homeless people are sleeping are: - 45% with friends and relatives - 29% in boarding houses - 15% in SAAP accommodation - 11% in improvised dwellings and tents
• Of the almost 27,000 experiencing homelessness, 39% are women. These can be single women as well as women and children escaping domestic violence.
• 46% of those who are homeless are under 25 and almost 10,000 are under 12. Young people experiencing homelessness are often running away from families characterized by poverty, violence and drug and alcohol abuse.
• Indigenous people are more likely to experience homelessness than other Australians. Two percent of the population identified as Indigenous at the 2001 census, but 16% of clients in homeless assistance services were Aboriginal in 2001-022.
• Contrary to popular belief there are homeless people in regional areas:
- 39 people in every 10,000 are homeless in Sydney.
- 47 people in every 10,000 are homeless in NSW Regional areas.
• The Demand for SAAP Accommodation by homeless people 2004-053 report shows that NSW has the highest turn-away numbers of any State and Territory, with 58 potential clients and 33 accompanying children with valid requests for immediate accommodation being turned away each day.
• Across Australia more people with valid requests for immediate accommodation were turned away than were accommodated by a crisis refuge. Only one in two people with a valid request for accommodation received it, and three out of five accompanying children were turned away4.
1 Chamberlain, Chris. Counting the Homeless 2001: Australia
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2001), SAAP National Data Collection Annual Report 2001-02, Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Cat. No. HOU 61 2
4 Australian Institute of Health & Welfare 2004. Demand for SAAP assistance by homeless people 2002-03: a report from the SAAP National Data Collection. AIHW cat no. HOU 110. Canberra: AIHW (SAAP NDCA report. Series 8).
• Across Australia family groups were turned away in high proportions from crisis refuges. This was highest for couples with children and couples without children, where only one in five requesting groups were accommodated (81% were turned away). Sixty-four per cent of single people with children requesting accommodation were turned away.
• Despite recording the highest number of homeless people in the 2001 Census, NSW has not developed a homelessness strategy5. HomelessnessNSW.ACT is calling for the NSW Government to develop a Homelessness Strategy to ensure a better coordinated response to homelessness. Being homeless is a complex issue, created by the failure of a variety of service systems. Homeless people and those at risk of becoming homeless are affected by common themes that include social exclusion, an ineffective service system, lack of access to housing that is affordable to people on low incomes and a lack of support and supported accommodation services.
5 Chamberlain, C and MacKenzie, D, Australian Census Analytic Program, Counting the Homeless 2001, Australian Bureau of Statistics, ABS Catalogue No. 2050.0


Do you work in a Community Service organisation?
You are invited to attend a special forum on
The NSW Ombudsman’s current work
in child and family & disability services
Thursday August 23,
Catholic Club, 61A West High Street, Coffs Harbour
Steve Kinmond,
NSW Community & Disability Services Commissioner/Deputy Ombudsman, will speak about the role and current work of the NSW Ombudsman in relation to child and family and disability services in NSW and how it impacts consumers and services.
Do you know that we:
· Inquire into & report on major community sector issues
· Monitor the child protection system
· Review deaths of certain children & people with a disability in care
· Monitor and review standards in community services · Deal with complaints about community services · Educate & inform service providers & consumers about rights & responsibilities
We are also keen to hear about sector issues specific to your area.
There will be plenty of opportunity for input & feedback.
· Session 1 Child & Family Services - Child protection Issues
10.00am -11.30am Morning tea will be provided
· Session 2 Disability and other Community Services
1.30pm -3.00pm Afternoon tea will be provided
Each session is free of charge but numbers are needed for catering
by Tuesday August 21
For ENQUIRIES please call Tracylee on 02 9265 0440 or toll free 1800 451 524

Friday, July 20, 2007



“Surfers helping surfers”

The Disabled Surfers Association is starting up a branch on the Mid North Coast, and is putting out the call for all people to get involved and let everyone experience the joy and absolute “stoke” that the ocean and beach environment provide. With helpers such as Taj Barrow, Barton Lynch, Nick Carroll & Damien Lovelock you know that where getting involved in something amazing.

The train the helper day is on Saturday the 28th of July from 9am at Sawtell SLSC and cost is absolutely free. It is open to anyone, young or old, surfer of non-surfer alike, who has an interest in giving up a morning at least once a year, to help any disabled have a safe surf, in waist deep water. You’ll be professionally trained (for free), along with everyone else, before attending your first event.

Made up mainly of surfers, the DSA is a totally independent and voluntary organisation, helping people with all types of disabilities to enjoy a safe surfing experience for the past 21 years. Now, in 2007 there are 11 active branches across Australia in all states.

The Disabled Surfers Association was established in 1986 by Gary Blaschke after a motorcycle accident which he lost his knee cap and under went extensive rehabilitation.

Gary saw a void that needed to be filled as over the years, many surfers with disabilities have unfortunately, been loners with no one to help them get back into the water. Many suffer from disabilities that the general public would not consider a disability.

From asthmatics to joint injuries to paraplegic, many members have found friendship, support and have renewed their interest in surfing. Gary's vision quickly extended to all classes of disabilities, as it is today.

So come down to the train the helper day, have a bag of fun and let’s put something back into the community and put smiles on dials. Also the branch is after any old wetsuit that can be donated to our branch… all wetsuits of any size will greatly be accepted, Please ring Bryn Goode (0401 477 612) for more information.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Carers Course

Carer’s Course (Dementia) to be held in Coffs Harbour & Nambucca Heads on:
Mondays 20 & 27 August and 3 & 10 September 2007 9:00 am – 11.30 am Cavanbah Hall, 191b Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour
Mondays 20 & 27 August and 3 & 10 September 2007 1:00 pm – 3.30 pm Nambucca Heads RSL Nelson Street Nambucca Heads
Sessions will cover: Day 1 The Nature of Dementia Day 2 Effective communication and activities Day 3 Understanding and responding effectively to behaviours of concern Day 4 The impact of dementia and planning
These courses are free of charge, to family carers and friends directly involved in the care or support of a person with dementia, and are being run by and will be presented by
Alzheimer's Australia
Morning or afternoon tea will be provided
Registration is essential For further information &/or a registration form, please contact: 1300 791 751 or email
Please ring 1800 059 059 if respite care is needed
WillAid Health Care Equipment Inservice Training - Tuesday 24th July 2007 2 – 3.30 pm
Ring to confirm attendance Trish or Brian 6651 7900

Family Advocacy’s First International Conference - The Odyssey will be held on 25 and 26 October 2007
in central Sydney and brochures and registration forms will be distributed in July For more information about the speakers or conference topics: email or phone 1800 620 588 (NSW non metro callers). The Institute of Family Advocacy and Leadership Development e-mail: web: Please feel free to pass this on to your networks contacts as organisations may wish to consider sponsoring families within their organisation.
Supports, Information, Courses & Free Counselling services for people living with dementia. For further information on any of the following, contact:
Kerry Bowden kbowden@alznsw.asn.a Dementia & Memory Community Centre Alzheimer’s Australia NSW – Port Macquarie Shop 2, 146-150 Gordon Street PO Box 2577Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Ph: 02 6584 7444 Fax: 02 6584 7144
Alzheimer’s Australia, NSW professional and organizational membership Benefits of includes access to dementia care courses, professional development, training and education, and access to the latest research, policy and service development. Members receive:
discounts on dementia care courses and workshops
Subscription to The Dementia Educator
Subscription to In Touch
Library & Information Services
Online Library Catalogue
Living with Memory Loss Program. This very valuable program will be organised across the Mid North Coast communities over the next 12 months The program is for people in the early stages of dementia and their carers. For further enquiries contact Glenda Hipwell on 02 6584 7444
Mind your Mind - Alzheimer’s Australia’s will be running it’s highly successful community education program Mind your Mind on the Mid-north Coast.
Free Counselling services are continuing across the Mid-North Coast with sessions available at Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Macksville. This free service offers face-to-face and phone counselling with a qualified psychologist sensitive to the unique issues facing people living with dementia. For appointments phone: 02 6584 7444

Sandy Gray Carer Support Officer c/- Community Health Coffs Harbour Health Campus Locked Bag 812 / 345 Pacific Hwy phone 66567226 fax 66567817 email

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ACOSS Action Network

Please send a message to your local Member of Parliament on effective and proven action to stop Aboriginal child abuse and disadvantage.
The Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the NT (CAO), representing over 40 Aboriginal organisations, encourage Australians to support them by sending a message to their Members of Parliament. The CAO released a paper on proven and effective responses to tackle child abuse and disadvantage on July 10.
When Parliament considers legislation to protect children in the Northern Territory please ask them to consult with Aboriginal communities and develop plans for working with them. You can ask your MP to support the expansion of programs that have already been proven to work, and ensure that the hard fought land rights of Indigenous people remain in place.
Please click through to send a message to your MP. Visit
Kind Regards
The ACOSS Action Network Team

Area Assistance Scheme

Are you an incorporated, non-profit community organisation or local Council with a community project idea that requires funding?
The Area Assistance Scheme, administered by the Department of Community Services, provides funding for innovative, self-help projects and partnerships that improve social and community infrastructure.
Details are available from Contact the Senior Regional Strategies Officer - Funded Programs at the North Coast Regional Office (6641 2445) or the Community Project Officer at your local Council for a registration code.
The Scheme opens 4 August and closes 5.00pm, on 5 September 2007
For more information visit the website at

Lulu Davis
Community Development Worker
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
P.O Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Ph: 6581 8545
Fax: 6581 8033

Friday, July 13, 2007

SACS Award

SACS AWARD: Act now to ensure the Commonwealth pays its fair share

On March 3rd 2006 the NSW Industrial Relations Commission awarded a 3.5% increase in award wages for SACS workers each year for the next three years. These increases were payable from the 1st of July in 2006, 2007, 2008. These increases are fair and reasonable and have been granted under the laws of the State of NSW.
These increases in wages must be paid by every service covered by the SACS Award (unless the organisation has its own Enterprise Bargaining Agreement which excludes the Award rates of pay).

Each year the Commonwealth and State Governments supplement or index grants to non government organisations. These increases are designed to meet the increased costs of wages and of inflation.

Current situation
In 2006-07, following a strong campaign from the sector, the NSW Government agreed to provide 3.3% indexation to all State funded services, including the State portion of programs jointly funded by the Commonwealth and the State. For HACC services, 3.3% for services was negotiated through the HACC State plan, but the Commonwealth’s share was taken out of growth. The Commonwealth did not provide indexation at a level that would meet SACS increases.
In 2007-08, we have been advised that all NSW Government departments that fund NGOs subject to the SACS Award will:

Provide 3.3% in 07-08 in all State only funding programs (including CSTDA) to NGOs, commencing from 1 July 2007.
Provide 3.3% in 06-07 in Commonwealth-State funding programs to NGOs for the portion of the program that is funded by the State (eg SAAP, Community Legal Centres but does not include HACC). This commences on 1 July 2007. NSW will also lobby the Commonwealth to match for its portion to the full 3.3%.
DADHC will include 3.3% indexation in their funding plans for programs jointly funded by NSW and the Commonwealth on an agreed matched formula (eg Home and Community Care Program).
The Commonwealth is not providing indexation at a level that would meet the SACS award (in SAAP, for example, indexation remains at 2.15% for the Commonwealth share).

The commitment of NSW will significantly assist the NGO sector in lobbying the Commonwealth to match the 3.3% State contribution. It also places the State in a more principled negotiation position and provides at least some certainty to organizations facing salary increases from 1 July.

This victory is due to the efforts of organisations, workers and service users in the weeks running up to the state budget. Now we need to put the same effort into lobbying the Commonwealth to at least match this level of indexation.

Our task
We need to stress to the Commonwealth that our demand for a minimum 3.3% indexation is simply about adequately funding the real cost of community services.
The message is that if they do not provide 3.3% indexation, services will need to be reduced. The blame for this will rest solely with the Commonwealth because the NSW Government is willing to pay its fair share.

We need to work together to get that commitment from the Commonwealth government.

Click on the link below to open the campaign kit – let’s work together to secure a minimum 3.3%!

If you can’t open this link, go to the NCOSS website and click on link “SACS Award Commonwealth Funding Campaign Kit” on the front page.


Linda Frow
Acting Director
66 Albion St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Ph: 9211 2599 Ext 111

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Disability Advocate Coffs Harbour

Disability Advocacy NSW seeks an Advocate in Coffs Harbour. An Advocate acts to ensure that individuals with a disability are treated fairly. This is a new position in the region but the Advocate will have support from an established team in Newcastle. Requires relevant tertiary qualifications and disability experience. $38k + car & salary packaging. Applications close 23 July. Applicants must go to or email to obtain full details. Ph: 1300 365 085.

Mark Grierson - CEO/Advocate - Disability Advocacy NSW Inc.
S3/L1, 408 King St, Newcastle West, NSW, Australia , 2302.
Ph: 02 4927 0111 Mobile: 0411 209 302 Fax: 02 4927 0114 , ABN: 93 984 383 421

Friday, July 6, 2007

National Homeless Week

Hello Everyone

The Coffs Harbour Housing and Support Forum are conducting a BBQ for homeless persons during National Homeless Week which is between 5th -11th August 2007. The proposed date and time is:
Date: Wed 8th Aug 2007
Time: 12-3pm

This BBQ is aimed at raising awareness of difficulties faced by people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Coffs Harbour LGA. Brief ouline of this BBQ is:
BBQ for approx 100 people
Information table regarding services in Coffs Harbour
Aboriginal Didgeridoo presentation
Song/Dance Presentation
Guest Speakers
Face Painting

I was wondering whether your organisation would like to be involved in this event? Please mail/drop information about your agency in my office for the Agency Information Tables. Please contact myself or Michelle Stubbs at Dept of Housing on 66501333 for further information.


Meena Johnson
CoordinatorCoffs Harbour Accommodation Brokerage & Housing Support Service
P.O. Box 2523, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450Ph: (02) 6651 8336Fax: (02) 6651 6240

Alarming Development CSTDA

Dear All,

RE: Commonwealth State Territory Disability Agreement

Alarming developments in the vexed CSTDA negotiations:

Yesterday, Federal Minister Brough wrote to State & Territory Ministers withdrawing the offer of uncapped matched growth funding under a new CSTDA for all but 3 jurisdictions (ie WA, NT and ACT). The State Ministers were working towards the deadline of 25 July when Federal and State Ministers were to meet in Sydney. At this meeting the state Ministers were intending to continue negotiations towards a national agreement that included dollar for dollar matched funding for all states with expenditure on unmet need for supported accommodation and respite over the life of the next CSTDA. This was to be an “open chequebook” offer. Minister Brough has now withdrawn this offer without notice, except for the above jurisdictions.

Last week, the Prime Minister announced the Disability Assistance package of $1.8billion over five years. Mr Howard, in his announcement speech, clearly stated that this was IN ADDITION to the CSTDA. As you are aware, the NSW Stronger Together Package plus the new Commonwealth Disability Assistance Package will provide possibly 1200 new accommodation places (generous estimates) up to 2011. The Australian Institute of Health & Welfare conservatively estimates that NSW will need 7000 supported accommodation places during this time. We desperately need the CSTDA to address unmet need in this area.

Minister Keneally will be issuing a statement today based on her immediate response letter to Minister Brough.

NCOSS and 12 other NSW organisations had signed off on a position statement before Minister Brough’s announcement. We will be updating this and promoting this issue with you and your constituents shortly. Please consider being part of this very important issue.

Please forward this throughout your networks.

Christine Regan
Senior Policy Officer

Friday, June 29, 2007

Smith Family Moving

29 June 2007

We are moving.

The Smith Family, Learning for Life office will be relocating to the Coffs Harbour PCYC as of the 26th of June 2007.
The address of the Coffs Harbour PCYC is 74 Bray Street Coffs Harbour, (opposite Orara High School).
The Smith Family views the move to the Coffs Harbour PCYC as a positive move to increase the opportunities the Learning for Life Program can offer to families and students currently on the program and to the Coffs Harbour community.
It will take a couple of weeks for the telephone lines to be connected so please contact me on my mobile number 0428234399, if you wish to arrange an appointment or have any enquiries.

Kind regards,

Learning for Life Worker
Coffs Harbour.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Office Space Needed

(DA) Disability Advocacy NSW (an NGO funded by the NSW & Commonwealth
governments) seeks shared office space for a new Disability Advocate to cover Coffs Harbour and the surrounding region. Advocates represent people with a disability and carers to ensure they are treated fairly.
We require a suitable workspace which includes (or has available) a private area where an Advocate can interview clients. The Advocate would only see a small number of clients in the office as they frequently work away from the office. The building must be wheelchair accessible. The Advocate will need access to a phone line for a separate phone/internet service. The Advocate will be administratively self sufficient and have their own computer, printer/copier and answering machine.
DA has been operating for 20 years and currently has offices in Newcastle & Tamworth. To find out more about the organisation go to <> .
DA is prepared negotiate a reasonable rental charge for the right office arrangement. Please feel free to pass this information on or contact me to find out more.
Mark Grierson - CEO/Advocate - Disability Advocacy NSW Inc.
S3 L1, 408 King St, Newcastle West, NSW, Australia , 2302.
Phone: 02 4927 0111 Mobile: 0411 209 302 Fax: 02 4927 0114
e-mail: web:
ABN: 93 984 383 421
(Disability Advocacy Service Hunter (DASH) and Advocacy Northwest combined forces in 2007 to form Disability Advocacy NSW Inc.)



A free eight-week course for women dealing in relationships,
Communication, anger and resentments, drugs and alcohol, sexuality, mothering and the roles of women in today’s society
Commencing Tuesday 17th July
Boambee Community Centre
Bruce King Drive.
9.30am – 1pm

A course for women to become more
empowered and be able to meet life’s challenges confidently

Call Cleo: 0427559562 or Leonie: 0404748223
Or Boambee Neighbourhood House 66584655

Monday, June 18, 2007

NAIDOC Art Exhibition 7th July 2007

NAIDOC Week Art Exhibition and Cultural Expo

Coffs Harbour Museum and Pioneer Park
July 7th 2007
Starting 2pm - 5pm

Welcome to Country
Smoking Ceremony
Art and Craft Stalls
Basket Weaving Demonstrations
Musical Entertainment
Bush Tucker Talk
Face Painting

BBQ Lunch

Thankyou and have a great day Russell StockleyArts Mid North Coast IncC/- Coffs Harbour Education CampusHogbin Drive Coffs Harbour 2450Ph: 02 66589400Fax: 02 66589411

Monday, June 4, 2007

Women's Health Centre Presents

Coffs Harbour Women’s Health Centre


Vagina Monologues

By Eve Easler

Julie Fuad
Liz Routledge
Cath Beynon

Saturday 16th June 2007

Jetty Memorial Village
Harbour Drive, Coffs harbour
Ph 02 6652 8088
Tickets on sale at theatre $25, conc $17

All funds raised go towards
the continuation of our Carer Project

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Governance Course

Our Community and BSI Learning have established a nationally recognised governance qualification – the Certificate IV in Business (Governance) – which equips both new and existing board and committee members to more confidently and effectively face today’s challenging environment. A combination of workshops, workbooks and in-practice assessment ensures that attendees put into practice what is delivered in the course.
The course centres on a unique community development model, ensuring its relevance to every community organisation. It imparts the full gamut of practical skills – from core fiduciary duties through to risk management to fundraising and financial management.
The four day course will be held in Sydney on June 18-21 2007 at:
Holiday Inn Darling Harbour68 Harbour StreetDarling Harbour SydneyRoom: Dickson Room
For further information and to register, please go to:
Any questions may be directed to Our Community’s Director of Training and Development, Mr Patrick Moriarty, on telephone (03) 9320 6805 or email
Kind regards
DR RHONDA GALBALLY AO Chief Executive Officer

Microsoft unlimited Course

Links to Learning / Unlimited Potential Computer Course
Starting May 23rd
2 Days a week
Duration 8 weeks
Late Referrals accepted
15 to 18 Yrs of age, Guys & Girls

In this program you can learn basic computer skills to multimedia &
web design.

Skills such as:

Word Processing skills
Using spreadsheets to create budgets
Amateur movie editing
Digital media
And much more…

For More Details
Greg Brown
Links Coordinator
Ph: 6651 9961
Mbl: 0423268743

Mental Health Week 2007

Mental Health Week NSW 2007 – Relationships in the Community

What is it?

Mental Health Week is part of a national mental health promotion campaign held in early October each year. MHW 2007 marks the third stage in the Mental Health Association’s mental health promotion “Relationships” campaign. This year, our focus is on Relationships in the Community – promoting the importance of maintaining positive, healthy relationships with our community for the benefit of our overall mental health and wellbeing.

When is it?

National MHW 2007 will take place from Sunday October 7th – Saturday October 13th. Stress Less day will be held on Wednesday October 10th and coincides with World Mental Health Day. The launch of Mental Health Week in NSW will be held in Martin Place, Sydney CBD, at lunchtime on October 10th and you are invited to join us there.

Please find links to:

v A nomination form for the Mental Health Matters Awards is available at Nominations close 6th August 2007.

v An application form for the MHW Small Grants Program is available at Applications close 23rd July 2007.

v View and order our free resources Deadline for orders is 20th August 2007

v This year you can also purchase t-shirts, mugs, keyrings, frisbees and more for sale for fundraising or for your own use

v Download the rest of the starter kit including tips on how to run your own mental health week events

By signing up for our internet newsletter at: you can keep up with the latest information about Mental Health Week.

Please help us to get the word out about MHW by passing this information on to your colleagues, friends and family.

Kind regards,

Marietta Davis
Mental Health Promotion Manager
Mental Health Association NSW
Level 5, 80 William Street
East Sydney NSW 2011
Ph: 9339 6000
Fax: 9339 6066

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Post Natal Dression Group

Are you the mother of a beautiful new baby?

BUT……. Are you feeling low, anxious, tearful?

Many mothers have mood swings after the birth of a baby. However, postnatal depression (PND) lasts more than a week or two and interferes with normal life - including caring for baby. PND can affect any new mother.
There is help! Come along & learn some skills to help you and baby.
Beyond Birth
A free group - run by Verity Stoker

(Psychologist, Stoker & Associates Psychological Services)

Childcare provided
(Bookings essential for childcare – 66515774 – gold coin donation)

Coffs Ex-Services Club
Begins Wednesday, July 18, 2007
10am – 12noon

All enquiries - Mid North Coast Division of General Practice 66515774

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Immigration Officers to Visit

Australian Government
Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

Officers from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship will be visiting the North Coast in the week of
5 – 8 June 2007. For appointments see below.

Wednesday 6 June
9.00am to 3.00pm
Interviews at Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre,
22 Earl Street, Coffs Harbour

For appointments telephone 9893 4778

Monday, May 21, 2007

Building Cultural Competence Capacity

Please distribute this email and attached flyer to your network. Thank you.

I like to take this opportunity to introduce MDAA's (Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association)Building cultural competence capacity" project. This is a DADHC funded project.
Part of the work of the project is to conduct training in the country and rural area.
The training will be held in Tamworth, Coffs Harbour and Lismore in the first week of July.

This one day training course for workers in the NGO sector who work with people with disabilities. It aims to enhance the workers cultural competence by enabling them to provide better quality service to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with disability and their carers .

The learning outcomes for participants will be:
To identify cultural differences and similarities in understanding disability and caring
Identify the key communities in the communities you serve
Work effectively face to face interpreters
Clarify your understanding of key concepts across cultures in disability and caring.
Identify key strategies for working cross-culturally
Program Outline:

Understanding disability and caring in a culturally diverse community
Cross-cultural communication
Who lives in the community I serve?
Working with diversity

COST: Free and Lunch will be provided

To register, participants will need to fill out a pre survey at least 7 days prior to the training. Limited places are available so it is important to register sooner rather than later
The registration and pre- survey are located on the website under "events", or

We would be grateful if you could assist us in in promoting these training sessions in your area and through your networks.

Please feel free to call me , Joyce, on 9891 6400 if you have any further queries

Best regards,

Joyce van Akkeren
Trainer/ Community Development Worker
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW
PO BOX 9381
Harris Park, NSW 2150

Monday, May 14, 2007

Super Strategies for Successful Students - Information Morning

We are going to have a short information morning for local families, those staying for the Spina Bifida Clinic and professionals to launch and explain more about the new information CD

“Super Strategies for Successful Students”

It is a resource CD for parents and teachers and has been put together by Alison Jones Head OT from Westmead Childrens Hospital & Angela Wilson a school teacher. It is full of helpful strategies and suggestions to help teach many of the tasks that the young people need to learn.

What: Hydrocephalus morning followed by Am. Tea

Where: Northcott office 31 Bonville St Coffs Harbour

When: 9.30-10.30am, Friday 1st June

RSVP: ASAP to Steph Cooper/Margaret Franks
PH 6651 2366 by Monday May 28
Cost: CD will be available to purchase for $25

ABS Data - New releases

Links to any ABS products related to your subscription appear below. ABS products are now available free of charge on the ABS web site. Charges may apply for products in hard copy format that are mailed to you. For information on purchasing hard copy products, see below.

4722.0.55.001 The health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: A snapshot, 2004-05

4722.0.55.003 Law and justice statistics - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a snapshot, 2002

Living with Memory Loss - Woolgoolga - Bookings Essential

The national Living with Memory Loss Program is an initiative of Alzheimer’s Australia and is funded by the Australian Government. This education and support program aims to maximise the health and well-being of people living with early stage dementia, and their carers.

Would you like a better understanding of what is happening to you and be
able to talk to others going through a similar experience?

In a group format, participants have the opportunity to:

· Tell their story of memory loss
· Reflect on the impact of their diagnosis
· Develop an understanding of the importance of self-care
· Enhance their skills for communication with others, and for problem-solving
· Extend their knowledge about legal and financial issues

This program is FREE OF CHARGE.

· It runs for 7 weeks on the same day each week.
· Each session runs in the morning for 2 hours.
· Light refreshments are included at no charge.

Please ring Glenda Hipwell
1300 791 751 or email

Bookings are essential

Friday, May 11, 2007

Management and Employment Relations Conference

Sex Discrimination
19th Women, Management and Employment Relations Conference, 2 - 3 August 2007
11 May 2007
19th Women, Management and Employment Relations Conference
2-3 August 2007, Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney
Sponsored by Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, this conference is presented by Macquarie University and provides an annual audit of the key issues confronting women in the workplace.
Key themes in 2007 include:
Keynote addresses include:
- Julia Gillard, MP
- Nanda Pok, Director of Women for Prosperity in Cambodia.
Dr Clare Burton Scholarship: This Scholarship provides free attendance at the Women’s Conference. To be eligible to apply candidates must be currently engaged in higher education in the study of equity or diversity.
For more information see:, phone: 02 9850 8985 or email:

Change of Start Day - Grief & Loss

Could you please send around the referral form for the Grief & Loss Group with the flyer. As yet we do not have enough referrals. We have changed start date to 21st May so there will now only be 3 sessions. If we don't get some more referrals by Monday 14th May we will have to cancel the group. Thanks so much Carole.
Regards Marcia

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Recipe for Success at Woolgoolga

Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)'s Program RECIPE FOR SUCCESS™ - being held in WOOLGOOLGA Mon 28th to Wed 30th May 2007 - Offering 3 parent sessions & a Professional Development Session for professionals working with parents of children with an ASD or other disability, to gain useful and practical strategies and understandings which may assist in their work with their families.
I am unable to forward the original attachments (mailbox size too small) - so please find an overview/excerpts attached with contact details or you can email Lexi Duffy ( ) for registration forms.

<> Many thanks, Sandy

Sandy Gray - Carer Support Officer Community Health Coffs Harbour Health Campus Locked Bag 812 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Ph 6656 7226 Fax 6656 7817

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Homelessness Audit Report 2007

Joint Youth Accommodation Association, HomelessnessNSW.ACT and NCOSS Media Release
2 May 2007
Leadership needed from the Premier on a homelessness strategy

HomelesnessNSW.ACT, the Youth Accommodation Association and the Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) today welcome the release of the Audit Office’s performance audit Responding to Homelessness.

The report concludes that the Government needs to develop a statewide framework that outlines its response to homelessness with a clear focus on the results it wants to achieve.

“The Auditor General’s conclusions are in line with the views that the sector has been putting to the NSW government for a considerable amount of time” said Michelle Burrell, Acting Director, NCOSS.

“NSW needs a 10 year Homelessness Strategy led by the Premier. We have seen in other areas such as mental health, domestic violence and disability a significant increase in the service planning and responsiveness following active leadership by the Premier” said Ms Burrell.

“Whilst current efforts under the Partnership Against Homelessness are welcome, they are no replacement for a well resourced 10 year homelessness strategy sitting at the heart of the State Plan” she added.

“No one government agency acting alone can address the multitude of issues that are present for individuals or families that are homeless” said Michael Coffey, Executive Officer of the Youth Accommodation Association.

“The community will only be able to effectively deal with homelessness when the Government develops a robust service system rather than disjointed projects and planning mechanisms. A comprehensive homelessness strategy for NSW is required that is developed on a cross departmental basis, in partnership with the non government sector” said Sue Cripps, Executive Officer of HomelessnessNSW.ACT.

“The failure to consider the impact of domestic violence as a key reason for homelessness is a significant oversight in the Auditor General’s report” added Ms Cripps.

As Premier Iemma said in his Anti Poverty Week speech on 18 October 2006, “homelessness is not just an inner-city problem, nor is it just about people sleeping on the street. It is a structural problem for society as a whole – for governments, for business, for planners and economists, for developers – as well as those caring for the homeless. Tackling homelessness and all the misery and insecurity that go with it is the primary thrust in our efforts against poverty”.

“We look to the Premier to take the lead in developing and endorsing a Homelessness Strategy for NSW” they said.

For further information and media interviews:

Michelle Burrell NCOSS - mobile 0427 951 355
Sue Cripps HomelessnessNSW.ACT - mobile 0417 112 311
Michael Coffey Youth Accommodation Association - mobile 0425 228 758

For a copy of the Audit Office report Responding to Homelessness go to:

Monday, May 7, 2007

Carers Support Service

Grandparent/Kinship Carers and the Law
May 15th
10 am – 1 pm
For many reasons, a number of grandparents and kinship Carers are raising their grandchildren or relatives full time. This Seminar is designed for Service providers as well as Clients and will address the major issues surrounding grandparent’s/Kinship Carers rights and legal responsibilities concerning the raising of Grandchildren, siblings or nieces and nephews.

Grandparent & Family Law Issues
· Grandparents rights and responsibilities ·Gaining Access
· Family Breakdowns ·The Family Law Court
Simon Caldwell - Family Law Solicitor – MBT Lawyers

Grandparents Providing for their Grandchildren
· Wills & Testamentary Trusts ·Other Trusts
· Pitfalls ·Some Case Studies
Col Gray - Branch Manager Public Trustee Lismore (02) 6621 8677

Maintaining Relationships
Interrelate – Coffs Harbour

Where to from Now
· Current Government Policy ·Benefits available
· Recognising Grandparents Needs ·Information & Services available
Prue Fairlie, Project Officer, Information & Support Grandparenting, COTA

WHERE: The Boambee East Community Centre
RSVP – Tuesday 8th of May
Morning Tea Provided - Gold Coin Donation appreciated

Grief Workshop


Finding a Path to Healing

“Grief work is not about forgetting, getting over, moving on from, but rather
Good Grief, Charlie Brown finding ways of living with mastering our new reality”
(Judy Dunsmore 2002)

Monday 14th May, 2007 3.00 - 4.30
Monday 21st May, 2007 3.00 - 4.30
Monday 28th May, 2007 3.00 - 4.30
Monday 4th June, 2007 3.00 - 4.30

WHERE : Coffs Harbour Health Campus
Education Room 25
Enter through main entrance & turn left
and left again)
AGE : 14 – 18
TRANSPORT : Own transport must be provided.
Proposed Content for Workshop :
Ø Journey work - share stories/timeline
Ø Explore different types of loss
Ø Express feelings
Ø Spirituality – Mask work
Ø Making sense of the loss
Ø Art Therapy
Ø Memory Books
Ø Moving On


If interested, please contact Marcia 66 567916 or Louise 66 567915 by Tuesday, 8th May as numbers are limited.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

NCOSS Conference

Getting It AcrossImproving the Community Sectors' Profile and Visibility
NCOSS Sector Development Seminar
28 May 2007
Citigate Sebel Sydney Hotel, 28 Albion St, Surry Hills
This seminar will explore the issue of the community sector’s public profile and visibility, and its many implications.
Getting Staff: attracting and keeping quality staff
Getting Resources: attracting funding and strong partnerships
Getting Attention: being recognised and valued as a legitimate and expert voice
Getting Change: influencing public policy and community awareness
Three guest speakers will discuss the significance of our profile and its impact on our capacity.
Dr Nicole Highet, Deputy CEO, Beyond Blue
Martin Stewart-Weeks, Third Sector consultant, analyst and writer
Brett de Hoedt, Mayor of Hootville, Hootville Communications
Please join us for this pre-AGM seminar:
when: Monday 28 May 2007
time: 2:00pm- 4:00 pm
where: Citigate Sebel, 28 Albion St, Surry Hills
Registration (5kb word doc download)
For more information:
ph: (02) 9211 2599 ext 101email:

Catherine Mahony
Deputy Director, Sector Development
New South Wales Council of Social Service
(02) 92112599 ext 110
66 Albion St
Surry Hills NSW 2010

Monday, April 30, 2007

Coffs Harbour Innovation Showcase

Coffs Harbour Innovation Showcase
Wednesday 16 May 2007
14:30 - 20:30
Coffs Harbour Education Campus - "D" Block Lecture TheatreHogbin DriveCoffs Harbour, NSW, 2450
The Coffs Harbour Innovation Showcase will comprise a half-day programme of speakers presenting case-studies which highlight excellence in innovation throughout the Region. Alison Page from the ABC TV’s New Inventors programme will be a Special Guest Speaker at the event. Informative displays will be provided by Government Departments and other organisations supporting innovation and business development. The forum will be followed by light refreshments and networking.

Latest LCSA News

E News – 27th April 2007

For all the latest news click . The opening pages of the LCSA website are now the E News. There are three pages of current news on the website.

Important Items this Week include:

Incredibly cheap computers for community organisations from WorkVentures:

Australian government funding for grassroots water solutions:

Link to latest news from communityNet for latest news in western Sydney on front page:

Have you given your feedback to the Ombudsman’s office:

Have you read the Autumn edition of LOCAL yet?

New Job Opportunities:

Training Opportunities:

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Social Determinants Survey

You are invited to complete a very brief on-line survey to identify the most important social determinants of health for Australians.

· A brief background and purpose of this survey is written below in this email.
· The survey will take no longer than 3 minutes of your time.
· The survey closing date is 14 May 2007
· Feel free to send this survey to your colleagues and networks.
· Please click on the link below to start the survey.

Background information

This survey is a project of the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Action Group; an initiative of the NSW Branches of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) and the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA), and the Council of Social Services of New South Wales (NCOSS).

The reason for this survey is to identify an Australian set of social determinants of health priorities. Based on the survey data, the SDoH Action Group plans to draw up an Australian Charter on the social determinants of health as Canada has done (Strengthening the Social Determinants of Health: The Toronto Charter for a Healthy Canada. February, 2003.
<>). Our goal is to have these priorities ratified at the 'Population Health Congress 2008' being planned to be held in July 2008 in Brisbane.

The purpose of an Australian Charter is to gain consensus from a very wide range of people on the top ten social determinants of health from an Australian perspective. This information will then be used to develop an action plan to influence those determinants; to inform the media and the public of the social determinants of health and their influence on the health of individuals and communities; and as a tool to advocate for better, healthier public policies.

In order to establish consensus on the most important social determinants of health from an Australian perspective, we have identified a list of the social determinants of health. This list has been compiled from the international and local literature, and from consultation with participants at the AHPA and PHAA conferences in 2006. It is important to note that we have focused on determinants of health not specific population groups such as refugees, Aboriginal status, or low socioeconomic groups.

In this on-line survey we ask you to identify what you consider to be the ten most important social determinants of health.

Social Determinants of Health Action Group
Dr Garth Alperstein Ms Michelle Bonner Ms Suzanne Gleeson Prof.John MacDonald Dr Mark Ragg A/Prof Chris Rissel Mr Pete Whitecross Ms Marilyn Wise A/Prof Peter Sainsbury

If you have any questions please contact Suzanne Gleeson or Dr Garth Alperstein or A/Prof Chris Rissel

Please click on the link below to start the survey.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

End of Life Wishes - Overcoming the Challenges

Saturday, 26th May 2007
Venue: Opal Cove Resort, Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour

Would you be able to distribute this to your network of contacts. Our target participants are GP’s, Aged Care Facilities, Community Care Sector, Area Health and Legal Practitioners. We have allocated 4 places from the community care sector with an additional 4 places for either Aboriginal or Punjabi services and/or community.

However, if there is more interest, and we are certainly encouraging this, then there will be a cost of $55 per person, cheques made payable to the Mid North Coast Division of General Practice.

Follow this link to the invitation

Drug Action Week 2007

Subject: DRUG ACTION WEEK 18-22 June 2007
DRUG ACTION WEEK® 18-22 June 2007
An initiative of the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia ADCA

Generating Interest in Holding Events. The countdown has begun to Drug Action Week 2007! This national event is coordinated by the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA) and is now in its 10th year. Drug Action Week aims to promote awareness of the complex issues of alcohol and other drugs and also to recognise the efforts of the various individuals and organisations working to reduce drug related harm. This year, Drug Action Week is running from 18 to 22 June and it is the events you hold that really help to make it a success.Get Involved! Each year Drug Action Week encourages various activities across Australia, from notice board displays to theatrical productions. Drug Action Week 2006 saw hundreds of events held nation wide, raising awareness all over the country. Anyone can take part! Hold your own event or participate in events in your local area this June to help support Drug Action Week.
Check out our website! Drug Action Weeks informative website has been updated for 2007. It is a great resource for guiding you through the week from planning to evaluation. Use our interactive features to:

order a Drug Action Week organisers booklet to get you started
register your event on our National Calendar of Events to promote your plans
subscribe to regular electronic newsletters to keep you updated There are also fact sheets on some key issues to use during your event.
Keep an eye out for any changes and new information by visiting regularly and make the most of whats available. A Year of Celebration!
ADCA is pleased to be presenting Drug Action Week for the 10th year running. This year Drug Action Week coincides with ADCAs 40th year as the independent peak body representing the alcohol and other drugs field at a national level. (Find out more about ADCA by looking at our website )
Drug Action Week 2007 focuses on some big issues. Each day has a different theme which you could use when thinking up an event. The themes for 2007 are:

Monday 18 June - Drugs and sportTuesday 19 June - TreatmentWednesday 20 June - PreventionThursday 21 June - Indigenous PeoplesFriday 22 June - Mental Health

So, enjoy your planning and please ask if you have any questions* getting involved has never been easier! Use the Drug Action week website (as detailed above) or contact ADCA via telephone on (02) 6281 0686 or send a fax to (02) 6281 0995.

Donna BullChief Executive OfficerAlcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia© Copyright 2007 Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia PO Box 269 Woden ACT 2606PHONE +612 6281 0686 FAX +612 6281 0995

Funding Source

Not sure if you know about this, but workcover have a scheme that will grant up to $5k per organisation for safety equipment (it’s on a dollar-for-dollar basis, so you have to be planning to spend money this year on equipment)– follow the link. It’s about promoting safety in the disability services sector. Applications close on 30/4/07 but I only heard about it today.

Friday, April 20, 2007

What's on Coffs Harbour April 2007

Click on this link to go to a copy of the latest news from Coffs Harbour -

Coffs Harbour - What's On April 2007

april 07

Circulated by Malcolm McLeod
Cultural Development Officer
Coffs Harbour City Council

New Interagency

This is the Coffs Harbour Interagency Blog spot. It is designed to allow you to freely exchange news, information and knowledge.

This site is hosted by the Mid North Coast Regional Council for Social Development.

The idea for this site comes from Great Lakes Council where the concept is working very well. Check out what happens at Great Lakes and how they manage new ideas and information by clicking here

Terry Wilson