Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mortgage Stress

There are increasing reports of households approaching NGOs because of problems keeping up with their mortgage. Many people in this situation do not know what they can do or where they can go for legal or financial help.
Two new brochures provide helpful information for people who are in trouble with their mortgage, from those who are in the process of being evicted from their homes to those who are just experiencing difficulty meeting their mortgage payments. They explain what you can do about your situation, and provide information about where you can get help.
Problems paying your mortgage? Things you can do. (Information on where you can get legal and financial help).
They are trying to take my home. (Answers common questions about home repossession and what you can do).
You can either download the brochures or order printed copies (publications@legalaid.nsw.gov.au; T 9219 5028).
The brochures are part of an information kit. To get a copy of the full kit, or to find out where to get help, phone LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.
The brochures are produced by Legal Aid NSW, the Consumer Credit Legal Centre and LawAccess NSW.
Please circulate to your networks.

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