Monday, May 21, 2007

Building Cultural Competence Capacity

Please distribute this email and attached flyer to your network. Thank you.

I like to take this opportunity to introduce MDAA's (Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association)Building cultural competence capacity" project. This is a DADHC funded project.
Part of the work of the project is to conduct training in the country and rural area.
The training will be held in Tamworth, Coffs Harbour and Lismore in the first week of July.

This one day training course for workers in the NGO sector who work with people with disabilities. It aims to enhance the workers cultural competence by enabling them to provide better quality service to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with disability and their carers .

The learning outcomes for participants will be:
To identify cultural differences and similarities in understanding disability and caring
Identify the key communities in the communities you serve
Work effectively face to face interpreters
Clarify your understanding of key concepts across cultures in disability and caring.
Identify key strategies for working cross-culturally
Program Outline:

Understanding disability and caring in a culturally diverse community
Cross-cultural communication
Who lives in the community I serve?
Working with diversity

COST: Free and Lunch will be provided

To register, participants will need to fill out a pre survey at least 7 days prior to the training. Limited places are available so it is important to register sooner rather than later
The registration and pre- survey are located on the website under "events", or

We would be grateful if you could assist us in in promoting these training sessions in your area and through your networks.

Please feel free to call me , Joyce, on 9891 6400 if you have any further queries

Best regards,

Joyce van Akkeren
Trainer/ Community Development Worker
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW
PO BOX 9381
Harris Park, NSW 2150

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