There are increasing reports of households approaching NGOs because of problems keeping up with their mortgage. Many people in this situation do not know what they can do or where they can go for legal or financial help.
Two new brochures provide helpful information for people who are in trouble with their mortgage, from those who are in the process of being evicted from their homes to those who are just experiencing difficulty meeting their mortgage payments. They explain what you can do about your situation, and provide information about where you can get help.
Problems paying your mortgage? Things you can do. (Information on where you can get legal and financial help).
They are trying to take my home. (Answers common questions about home repossession and what you can do).
You can either download the brochures or order printed copies (; T 9219 5028).
The brochures are part of an information kit. To get a copy of the full kit, or to find out where to get help, phone LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.
The brochures are produced by Legal Aid NSW, the Consumer Credit Legal Centre and LawAccess NSW.
Please circulate to your networks.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
FICT Training
Interest has been expressed by a number of individuals and agencies for STARTTS to conduct FICT Training in Coffs Harbour.
FICT or Families in Cultural Transition Training is a series of workshops addressing such topics as Settlement, Money, Families, Children, Trauma and Healing and so on.
To assess the possibility of conducting this training, a STARTTS FICT trainer, Jeannie O’Carrol will be in Coffs Harbour the afternoon of Thursday 15th May 2008. An information session will be conducted with interested agencies and individuals.
To register your interest in attending this consultation, please notify Denise or Lisa on 66509195.
The venue and time will be advised when numbers are confirmed.
FICT or Families in Cultural Transition Training is a series of workshops addressing such topics as Settlement, Money, Families, Children, Trauma and Healing and so on.
To assess the possibility of conducting this training, a STARTTS FICT trainer, Jeannie O’Carrol will be in Coffs Harbour the afternoon of Thursday 15th May 2008. An information session will be conducted with interested agencies and individuals.
To register your interest in attending this consultation, please notify Denise or Lisa on 66509195.
The venue and time will be advised when numbers are confirmed.
Positive Tenancy Training
Coffs Harbour Accommodation Brokerage & Housing Support Service and On Track Northern Kids Care have organised a one day workshop.
This training program aims to assist workers with the following:
• Assist clients who are experiencing difficulties in obtaining housing
• Assist clients who are just going into tenancy agreements
• Assist clients who are having difficulties in maintaining tenancy because of financial hardship, domestic violence, family breakdown, mental health, etc
This workshop will develop knowledge and skills and subsequently effectiveness, in assisting clients managing and maintaining tenancy agreements in the public and private rental market.
You will develop skills in assisting clients with various tenancy difficulties and challenges.
You will also develop skills in risk management, for example, identifying potential problems and implementing appropriate strategies for change.
DATES: Wednesday 11th June 2008
VENUE: Conference Room, Level 1
51 Moonee Street, Coffs Harbour 2450
TIME: 9 am to 4.30 pm
RSVP: Monday 9th June 2008 on 66 518 336
For more information, please contact:
Meena Johnson on 6651 8336 or Ingrid Vet on 6651 1246
This training program aims to assist workers with the following:
• Assist clients who are experiencing difficulties in obtaining housing
• Assist clients who are just going into tenancy agreements
• Assist clients who are having difficulties in maintaining tenancy because of financial hardship, domestic violence, family breakdown, mental health, etc
This workshop will develop knowledge and skills and subsequently effectiveness, in assisting clients managing and maintaining tenancy agreements in the public and private rental market.
You will develop skills in assisting clients with various tenancy difficulties and challenges.
You will also develop skills in risk management, for example, identifying potential problems and implementing appropriate strategies for change.
DATES: Wednesday 11th June 2008
VENUE: Conference Room, Level 1
51 Moonee Street, Coffs Harbour 2450
TIME: 9 am to 4.30 pm
RSVP: Monday 9th June 2008 on 66 518 336
For more information, please contact:
Meena Johnson on 6651 8336 or Ingrid Vet on 6651 1246
Monday, April 21, 2008
Family Pathways Network
9th April 2008
Dear Sir / Madam,
Family Pathways Network Conference
(An initiative funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department)
North Coast TAFE and Coffs Harbour Interagency Pathways Service (C.H.I.P.S.) would like to formally invite you to this important event.
Two prominent keynote speakers will make presentations on the day. Topics to be discussed include Family Law changes and the need to maintain a child-focus. A variety of workshops are planned for the afternoon. Select the workshop that you are most interested in, via the attached Registration Form, so that you may contribute and participate in a meaningful way.
This conference is a great opportunity for:
• Learning first hand what the Family Law changes are and how they will impact on families.
• Learning about the changes and impacts on service delivery.
• Your agency to become a member of the Family Pathways Network and to build upon opportunities to work collaboratively.
• Information exchange, networking and an increased awareness of services available. In this regard we are creating a Database CD as a Referral Reference Tool. If you would like to be included please complete the enclosed Agency Details sheet and return with your Registration.
• Participation in workshops regarding a broad range of different and challenging needs.
• Relationship building with the Family Relationship Centre.
• Professional Development – a certificate will be provided to full day attendees.
Date: Wednesday, 14th May 2008
Time: 8.55am – 4.15pm
Venue: The Osprey Restaurant, Coffs Harbour Education Campus, Hogbin Drive.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
R.S.V.P. is essential as numbers are limited. Please return the attached Registration Form, via methods outlined on form no later than Monday, 28th April 2008, to secure your place.
Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact Phillip Baldwin on 02 6659 3193(BH) or our event co-ordinator, Karen Carr, on the e-mail address provided below.
We value your support and participation and look forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely,
__________________ __________________
Liz Yazbek Phillip Baldwin
Head Teacher/Facilitator Teacher/Facilitator
NC TAFE, Coffs Harbour NC TAFE, Coffs Harbour
Event Co-ordinator:
Karen Carr Stronger Communities
Stronger Families
Attachments: Registration Form
Agency Service Details Sheet
Dear Sir / Madam,
Family Pathways Network Conference
(An initiative funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department)
North Coast TAFE and Coffs Harbour Interagency Pathways Service (C.H.I.P.S.) would like to formally invite you to this important event.
Two prominent keynote speakers will make presentations on the day. Topics to be discussed include Family Law changes and the need to maintain a child-focus. A variety of workshops are planned for the afternoon. Select the workshop that you are most interested in, via the attached Registration Form, so that you may contribute and participate in a meaningful way.
This conference is a great opportunity for:
• Learning first hand what the Family Law changes are and how they will impact on families.
• Learning about the changes and impacts on service delivery.
• Your agency to become a member of the Family Pathways Network and to build upon opportunities to work collaboratively.
• Information exchange, networking and an increased awareness of services available. In this regard we are creating a Database CD as a Referral Reference Tool. If you would like to be included please complete the enclosed Agency Details sheet and return with your Registration.
• Participation in workshops regarding a broad range of different and challenging needs.
• Relationship building with the Family Relationship Centre.
• Professional Development – a certificate will be provided to full day attendees.
Date: Wednesday, 14th May 2008
Time: 8.55am – 4.15pm
Venue: The Osprey Restaurant, Coffs Harbour Education Campus, Hogbin Drive.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
R.S.V.P. is essential as numbers are limited. Please return the attached Registration Form, via methods outlined on form no later than Monday, 28th April 2008, to secure your place.
Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact Phillip Baldwin on 02 6659 3193(BH) or our event co-ordinator, Karen Carr, on the e-mail address provided below.
We value your support and participation and look forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely,
__________________ __________________
Liz Yazbek Phillip Baldwin
Head Teacher/Facilitator Teacher/Facilitator
NC TAFE, Coffs Harbour NC TAFE, Coffs Harbour
Event Co-ordinator:
Karen Carr Stronger Communities
Stronger Families
Attachments: Registration Form
Agency Service Details Sheet
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Grant Seeker Workshop
Good morning everyone:
The Communities Division of the Department of Community Services has provided funding
to Philanthropy Australia to conduct a Grantseeker Workshop in Coffs Harbour.
The Workshop is free of charge to participants.
The Workshop details are as follows:
Thursday 8th May 2008
9.30am to 1.30pm
DoCS Training Room
Max Murray Mall
20 Gordon St.
Coffs Harbour.
The Workshop is free of charge to participants.
Please see attached brochure for further details.
To register for the Workshop, please contact:
Peta McLean
Communities Division
Department of Community Services
Ph: 02 9716 2844
The Communities Division of the Department of Community Services has provided funding
to Philanthropy Australia to conduct a Grantseeker Workshop in Coffs Harbour.
The Workshop is free of charge to participants.
The Workshop details are as follows:
Thursday 8th May 2008
9.30am to 1.30pm
DoCS Training Room
Max Murray Mall
20 Gordon St.
Coffs Harbour.
The Workshop is free of charge to participants.
Please see attached brochure for further details.
To register for the Workshop, please contact:
Peta McLean
Communities Division
Department of Community Services
Ph: 02 9716 2844
Core of Life
What is Core of Life?
Core of Life in an innovative, ‘hands on’ health education program providing current, research based information about Pregnancy, Birth, Breast Feeding and Early Parenting to both male and female adolescents. Core of Life are currently calling for expressions of interest for people interested in being trained as a Core of Life facilitator in Coffs Harbour later this year. The training costs $220. There are a number of people already trained on the Mid North Coast including midwives.
The purpose of Core of Life is to achieve better health outcomes for young people and future families in our wider community.
The program was developed by two midwives at Peninsula Health’s Rosebud Hospital in Victoria, Australia.
Core of Life aims to:
Assist in reducing teenage pregnancy rates;
foster increased levels of responsibility and confidence in youth; and
facilitate positive community and early childhood development.
Core of Life is an ideal addition to secondary schools’ health education programs or programs for youth at risk in the community.
The program is presented in partnership by a midwife and a youth/health professional and engages participants using slides, video, discussions, power point presentations and the opportunity to be involved in role-play.
The Core of Life program is currently being offered in secondary schools and community settings throughout Australia. The program can be easily adapted to suit the needs of various community groups including English as a Second Language (ESL) students and Indigenous communities. Core of Life is currently developing modified resources for Australia's Indigenous community in partnership with several Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health organisations.
For more information on Core of Life or to register your interest in the training visit
Core of Life in an innovative, ‘hands on’ health education program providing current, research based information about Pregnancy, Birth, Breast Feeding and Early Parenting to both male and female adolescents. Core of Life are currently calling for expressions of interest for people interested in being trained as a Core of Life facilitator in Coffs Harbour later this year. The training costs $220. There are a number of people already trained on the Mid North Coast including midwives.
The purpose of Core of Life is to achieve better health outcomes for young people and future families in our wider community.
The program was developed by two midwives at Peninsula Health’s Rosebud Hospital in Victoria, Australia.
Core of Life aims to:
Assist in reducing teenage pregnancy rates;
foster increased levels of responsibility and confidence in youth; and
facilitate positive community and early childhood development.
Core of Life is an ideal addition to secondary schools’ health education programs or programs for youth at risk in the community.
The program is presented in partnership by a midwife and a youth/health professional and engages participants using slides, video, discussions, power point presentations and the opportunity to be involved in role-play.
The Core of Life program is currently being offered in secondary schools and community settings throughout Australia. The program can be easily adapted to suit the needs of various community groups including English as a Second Language (ESL) students and Indigenous communities. Core of Life is currently developing modified resources for Australia's Indigenous community in partnership with several Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health organisations.
For more information on Core of Life or to register your interest in the training visit
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Youth Services Invite
Invitation to Youth Services & Allied Adolescent Health Workers
Heads Up
Youth Health Education Event for General Practitioners
Saturday March 29, 2008, 1 pm to 5 pm
Sawtell Surf Life Saving Club, Fourth Ave (on the beach, near Sawtell RSL)
Youth Services are welcome in the afternoon session from 1 pm – includes a light lunch.
If you wish to attend the morning session, please contact the Division 66515774
Presented by Mid North Coast Division of General Practice and headspace MNC
9 am Keynote Speaker - Dr Melissa Kang
“A Practical Approach to Adolescent Health for GPs – assessment tools & sex health update.”
12 noon Guest Speaker - Mr Michael Fishburn
“Medico Legal Issues & Young People”
1.30 pm Keynote Speaker - Professor Patrick McGorry
“Young People & Mental Health”
Refreshments & entertainment will be provided.
Heads Up
Youth Health Education Event for General Practitioners
Saturday March 29, 2008, 1 pm to 5 pm
Sawtell Surf Life Saving Club, Fourth Ave (on the beach, near Sawtell RSL)
Youth Services are welcome in the afternoon session from 1 pm – includes a light lunch.
If you wish to attend the morning session, please contact the Division 66515774
Presented by Mid North Coast Division of General Practice and headspace MNC
9 am Keynote Speaker - Dr Melissa Kang
“A Practical Approach to Adolescent Health for GPs – assessment tools & sex health update.”
12 noon Guest Speaker - Mr Michael Fishburn
“Medico Legal Issues & Young People”
1.30 pm Keynote Speaker - Professor Patrick McGorry
“Young People & Mental Health”
Refreshments & entertainment will be provided.
Local Practice Forum
Local Practice Forum
“ Sharing Strength Based Ideas & Resources”
We would like to invite staff members from your organisation to attend our 1st “Local Practice Forum” where workers across the sector will share ideas, tools and resources that they have found helpful in their work practice with service users.
Many staff & services have a wealth of local knowledge & expertise in implementing strength based practice in a variety of settings. The purpose of the forum is to provide an opportunity to meet regularly, network, share our expertise & resources, enhance our skills & maximise our very limited resources.
12 noon BYO Lunch
12.45 Introductions
1.15 “Tool Kit” presentations (6 x5mins)
1.45“Tool Kit” presentations ( 3x 15min)
Afternoon tea
3.00 Topic Presentation (1hr)
4.00 Next forum: topics, date, ideas?
4.30 Closing activity
When: Friday 22nd February 2008
Where: Dept Community Services Training Centre
Max Murray Mall
Coffs Harbour 2450
Time: BYO Lunch: 12noon
Presentations start : 12.45
RSVP: Julie or Ruth 66527666 or email
Cost: Free
Contacts: Ruth Allen Burnside 66 527666, Angela Franklin DADHC 66 591 351
“ Sharing Strength Based Ideas & Resources”
We would like to invite staff members from your organisation to attend our 1st “Local Practice Forum” where workers across the sector will share ideas, tools and resources that they have found helpful in their work practice with service users.
Many staff & services have a wealth of local knowledge & expertise in implementing strength based practice in a variety of settings. The purpose of the forum is to provide an opportunity to meet regularly, network, share our expertise & resources, enhance our skills & maximise our very limited resources.
12 noon BYO Lunch
12.45 Introductions
1.15 “Tool Kit” presentations (6 x5mins)
1.45“Tool Kit” presentations ( 3x 15min)
Afternoon tea
3.00 Topic Presentation (1hr)
4.00 Next forum: topics, date, ideas?
4.30 Closing activity
When: Friday 22nd February 2008
Where: Dept Community Services Training Centre
Max Murray Mall
Coffs Harbour 2450
Time: BYO Lunch: 12noon
Presentations start : 12.45
RSVP: Julie or Ruth 66527666 or email
Cost: Free
Contacts: Ruth Allen Burnside 66 527666, Angela Franklin DADHC 66 591 351
Thursday, February 14, 2008
What is Headspace?
Headspace is a place where young people can get help for a range of issues including mental health and drug and alcohol problems. These new services have been created because young people need services designed especially for them.
Headspace is a youth friendly, community based health service for young people aged 12-25 and their families, staffed by GPs, Allied Health, Mental Health, Youth Workers and Drug and Alcohol workers who have specific expertise in working with young people.
It is a confidential free service where all medical appointments are bulk billed.
And it is a locally run initiative established by organisations that understand their community.
How can Headspace assist you?
If you have a young person presenting with mental heath/drug and alcohol issues we can help case manage that young person and place them in contact with a network of local services including drug and alcohol/mental health workers and counsellors. The youth workers are here to work with GPs and other medical professionals to help manage and support young people with a range of issues.
Headspace Mid North Coast
Headspace Mid North Coast (MNC) is a new service funded under the Promoting Better Mental Health – Youth Mental Health Initiative. The emphasis is on early identification and effective, evidence-based interventions. Presently there are two case workers in the Mid North Coast Region with plans for a third based in Bellingen.
The case workers are employed by the Mid North Coast Division of General Practice to work on the Headspace program.
How to make a referral to Headspace
To make a referral to Headspace you can contact the numbers below:
Headspace Office (Nambucca Heads): ph 6568 7777
Nambucca Heads: Jennifer Corbett m: 0488 491 334
Coffs Harbour: Gary Maher m: 0488 499 720
For more information you can go to the Headspace website:
Headspace is a place where young people can get help for a range of issues including mental health and drug and alcohol problems. These new services have been created because young people need services designed especially for them.
Headspace is a youth friendly, community based health service for young people aged 12-25 and their families, staffed by GPs, Allied Health, Mental Health, Youth Workers and Drug and Alcohol workers who have specific expertise in working with young people.
It is a confidential free service where all medical appointments are bulk billed.
And it is a locally run initiative established by organisations that understand their community.
How can Headspace assist you?
If you have a young person presenting with mental heath/drug and alcohol issues we can help case manage that young person and place them in contact with a network of local services including drug and alcohol/mental health workers and counsellors. The youth workers are here to work with GPs and other medical professionals to help manage and support young people with a range of issues.
Headspace Mid North Coast
Headspace Mid North Coast (MNC) is a new service funded under the Promoting Better Mental Health – Youth Mental Health Initiative. The emphasis is on early identification and effective, evidence-based interventions. Presently there are two case workers in the Mid North Coast Region with plans for a third based in Bellingen.
The case workers are employed by the Mid North Coast Division of General Practice to work on the Headspace program.
How to make a referral to Headspace
To make a referral to Headspace you can contact the numbers below:
Headspace Office (Nambucca Heads): ph 6568 7777
Nambucca Heads: Jennifer Corbett m: 0488 491 334
Coffs Harbour: Gary Maher m: 0488 499 720
For more information you can go to the Headspace website:
Mental Health Emergencies
Mental Health Emergencies
This is a FREE 2-day workshop. The course will be offered at two locations from 9:00 to 4:00pm.
Lismore: Thursday 3rd April 2008 and Friday 4th April 2008
Coffs Harbour: 7th April 2008 and 8th April 2008
Who should attend?
People working in emergency departments, hospitals and community health who have direct, first contact with people who may have mental health problems. This course is designed for people with a health background but who haven’t had a lot of training in mental health issues.
What’s on the program?
This training is presented over 2 days with workbooks and resource materials provided to each participant. Topics covered include:
• Common Disorders – signs and symptoms
• Psychiatric assessment skills (Mental Status Examination)
• Risk assessments
• Management and referral practices
• Legal and ethical issues
Who is the presenter?
Tina Philip is a Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Consultant who has an extensive experience in mental health practice, both in hospital and community settings. Tina is well known for her commitment to the advancement of rural mental health services and is a passionate advocate for individuals experiencing mental health problems and their families. In the last decade Tina has worked on a number of quality improvement projects which have received both national and international acclaim. This course has been developed in consultation with a number of key individuals and organisations and is regularly reviewed and updated.
Light lunch will be provided on both days.
Enquiries : Sheila Keane, 6620 7238
Registration: Please complete the attached workshop application form and return to:
Sheila Keane, Senior Lecturer Allied Health
Northern Rivers University Department of Rural Health
FAX 6620 7270 or
by Friday 14th March 2008.
Registrations will be confirmed by 21st March.
Updates on venue detail and preparation will be provided at that time.
This is a FREE 2-day workshop. The course will be offered at two locations from 9:00 to 4:00pm.
Lismore: Thursday 3rd April 2008 and Friday 4th April 2008
Coffs Harbour: 7th April 2008 and 8th April 2008
Who should attend?
People working in emergency departments, hospitals and community health who have direct, first contact with people who may have mental health problems. This course is designed for people with a health background but who haven’t had a lot of training in mental health issues.
What’s on the program?
This training is presented over 2 days with workbooks and resource materials provided to each participant. Topics covered include:
• Common Disorders – signs and symptoms
• Psychiatric assessment skills (Mental Status Examination)
• Risk assessments
• Management and referral practices
• Legal and ethical issues
Who is the presenter?
Tina Philip is a Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Consultant who has an extensive experience in mental health practice, both in hospital and community settings. Tina is well known for her commitment to the advancement of rural mental health services and is a passionate advocate for individuals experiencing mental health problems and their families. In the last decade Tina has worked on a number of quality improvement projects which have received both national and international acclaim. This course has been developed in consultation with a number of key individuals and organisations and is regularly reviewed and updated.
Light lunch will be provided on both days.
Enquiries : Sheila Keane, 6620 7238
Registration: Please complete the attached workshop application form and return to:
Sheila Keane, Senior Lecturer Allied Health
Northern Rivers University Department of Rural Health
FAX 6620 7270 or
by Friday 14th March 2008.
Registrations will be confirmed by 21st March.
Updates on venue detail and preparation will be provided at that time.
Responding to Victims of Sexual Assault
Coffs Harbour - Free Information Forums
Book Early - Maximum of 20 per forum
Please tick preferred session:
Wednesday 19 March, 9.00am to 12.30pm
Wednesday 19 March, 1.30pm to 5.00pm
Name ________________________________________
Position ______________________________________
Organisation ___________________________________
Address ______________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
Fax __________________________________________
Email _________________________________________
Complete & send a photocopy of this form to:
NSW Rape Crisis Centre
PO Box 555, Drummoyne NSW 2047
or fax the form to (02) 9819 6295
For further information please ring
(02) 9819 7357 during office hours.
Keep this pamphlet for
Forum details
Responding to
Victims of
Sexual Assault
FREE half day Information Forum
for workers in the
non government sector
Sponsored by
Coffs Harbour Women’s Health Centre
Funded by
Law & Justice Foundation of NSW
Information on:
• Myths and realities of sexual assault.
• Impacts of sexual assault.
• Do’s and don’ts when responding to someone who has been sexually assaulted, and
• Getting help.
Dates & Times:
* Wednesday 19 March, 9.00am to 12:30pm OR
* Wednesday 19 March, 1.30pm to 5.00pm
Venue: Indigenous Coordination Centre
17 Duke Street
Coffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour - Free Information Forums
Book Early - Maximum of 20 per forum
Please tick preferred session:
Wednesday 19 March, 9.00am to 12.30pm
Wednesday 19 March, 1.30pm to 5.00pm
Name ________________________________________
Position ______________________________________
Organisation ___________________________________
Address ______________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
Fax __________________________________________
Email _________________________________________
Complete & send a photocopy of this form to:
NSW Rape Crisis Centre
PO Box 555, Drummoyne NSW 2047
or fax the form to (02) 9819 6295
For further information please ring
(02) 9819 7357 during office hours.
Keep this pamphlet for
Forum details
Responding to
Victims of
Sexual Assault
FREE half day Information Forum
for workers in the
non government sector
Sponsored by
Coffs Harbour Women’s Health Centre
Funded by
Law & Justice Foundation of NSW
Information on:
• Myths and realities of sexual assault.
• Impacts of sexual assault.
• Do’s and don’ts when responding to someone who has been sexually assaulted, and
• Getting help.
Dates & Times:
* Wednesday 19 March, 9.00am to 12:30pm OR
* Wednesday 19 March, 1.30pm to 5.00pm
Venue: Indigenous Coordination Centre
17 Duke Street
Coffs Harbour
Friday, February 8, 2008
Youth Week
5 - 13 April
Expression of Interest Form
Please provide the following details regarding your organisation and the proposed event/activity:
ORGANISATION NAME: _______________________________________________________
CONTACT PERSON: _______________________________________________________
CONTACT NUMBER: ________________________________
Is your organisation registered for GST ? YES NO
(Please Note: To qualify for this subsidy your organisation will need to have an ABN.)
1. Please give a brief overview of your proposed event/activity.
2. Where will your event/activity be held ?
3. How will young people be involved in the event/activity ?
- 2 -
4. How does your event/activity benefit young people ?
5. Date of activity: _______________________________________________________
Please provide cost estimates of your proposed event/activity.
Please note that a maximum amount of $400 per application is available and it is encouraged to be matched either in kind or by cash contribution.
In Kind and Donated Contributions
(approximate $ value)
Total Cost
Total Costing for Project including in kind and donated contributions $
Total $ Value of in kind and donated contributions $
Your Organisation’s $ Contribution $
Total Subsidy Requested $
If successful in gaining a subsidy your organisation will be required to provide evidence of expenditure of the amount provided, along with a short report on the event/activity. A form will be provided to the successful groups for this purpose.
Please return this form to address below by close of business on Friday, 29 February 2008:
Coffs Harbour City Council
Locked Bag 155
For further information please contact Louise Morris on 6648 4041
5 - 13 April
Expression of Interest Form
Please provide the following details regarding your organisation and the proposed event/activity:
ORGANISATION NAME: _______________________________________________________
CONTACT PERSON: _______________________________________________________
CONTACT NUMBER: ________________________________
Is your organisation registered for GST ? YES NO
(Please Note: To qualify for this subsidy your organisation will need to have an ABN.)
1. Please give a brief overview of your proposed event/activity.
2. Where will your event/activity be held ?
3. How will young people be involved in the event/activity ?
- 2 -
4. How does your event/activity benefit young people ?
5. Date of activity: _______________________________________________________
Please provide cost estimates of your proposed event/activity.
Please note that a maximum amount of $400 per application is available and it is encouraged to be matched either in kind or by cash contribution.
In Kind and Donated Contributions
(approximate $ value)
Total Cost
Total Costing for Project including in kind and donated contributions $
Total $ Value of in kind and donated contributions $
Your Organisation’s $ Contribution $
Total Subsidy Requested $
If successful in gaining a subsidy your organisation will be required to provide evidence of expenditure of the amount provided, along with a short report on the event/activity. A form will be provided to the successful groups for this purpose.
Please return this form to address below by close of business on Friday, 29 February 2008:
Coffs Harbour City Council
Locked Bag 155
For further information please contact Louise Morris on 6648 4041
Life Skills for Blokes
An nine–week course for blokes dealing in relationships, communication, anger and resentments, drugs and alcohol, sexuality, fathering and roles of men in today’s society.
WHEN: Commencing 14 Febuary 2008
WHERE: Boambee East Community Centre
Bruce King Drive Boambee East
TIME: Thursday Nights at 7.00 PM
Book your spot by calling
The Neighbourhood House 66584655
Chuck Reimal 0422 262825
Lloyd Francis 0412 714516
Where men learn to become better blokes
An nine–week course for blokes dealing in relationships, communication, anger and resentments, drugs and alcohol, sexuality, fathering and roles of men in today’s society.
WHEN: Commencing 14 Febuary 2008
WHERE: Boambee East Community Centre
Bruce King Drive Boambee East
TIME: Thursday Nights at 7.00 PM
Book your spot by calling
The Neighbourhood House 66584655
Chuck Reimal 0422 262825
Lloyd Francis 0412 714516
Where men learn to become better blokes
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Community Sevice Expo
When: 9.30am to mid afternoon Friday 15th February 2008
Where: Anuka Resort
RSVP: 10th February to or to John on
Cost: Free (morning tea, lunch, & afternoon tea provided)
The Coffs Harbour Interagency Pathways Service is holding a mega community service providers EXPO DAY which will brining together service providers from across our region from Grafton to Macksville and Dorrigo into the one place at the one time.
This is your day to meet and network with a range of service providers from across the Coffs Coast region and to have the opportunity to promote what your service does to help the community. Whilst at the same time this expo will provide you with an opportunity to strengthen your network and perhaps forge new links with other service providers who can add support to you client target group.
As a valued service provider in this region your attendance at this event will greatly enrich the experience of the expo and enable services across the region to catch up with what your service is doing and to meet you personally.
Services participating in this event will be permitted to send up to 2 representatives, and you will be provided with a promotional table to advertise your service. So please bring posters, and banners to promote your service and lots of brochures, business cards, or any other promotional material you may have that other services can take away.
Services unable to attend all day session are still welcome to register and attend the lunch and networking session from 12.30pm to 2pm
Where: Anuka Resort
RSVP: 10th February to or to John on
Cost: Free (morning tea, lunch, & afternoon tea provided)
The Coffs Harbour Interagency Pathways Service is holding a mega community service providers EXPO DAY which will brining together service providers from across our region from Grafton to Macksville and Dorrigo into the one place at the one time.
This is your day to meet and network with a range of service providers from across the Coffs Coast region and to have the opportunity to promote what your service does to help the community. Whilst at the same time this expo will provide you with an opportunity to strengthen your network and perhaps forge new links with other service providers who can add support to you client target group.
As a valued service provider in this region your attendance at this event will greatly enrich the experience of the expo and enable services across the region to catch up with what your service is doing and to meet you personally.
Services participating in this event will be permitted to send up to 2 representatives, and you will be provided with a promotional table to advertise your service. So please bring posters, and banners to promote your service and lots of brochures, business cards, or any other promotional material you may have that other services can take away.
Services unable to attend all day session are still welcome to register and attend the lunch and networking session from 12.30pm to 2pm
Interelate - What's ON
Connecting Couples…keep the romance and passion alive
A three hour seminar on ways to learn keeping the romance and passion alive in relationships
Date: Feb 13th, 2008 Time: Wed 6pm to 9pm Cost: $20 person
Self Esteem & Communication…..a path of personal growth
This six week program focuses on communication, assertiveness and self-awareness skills
Date: Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 Apr 2, 9 Time: Wed 6pm to 9 p.m Cost: $60
Seasons for Growth – a grief and loss program for childrenAn 8 week program designed to educate and assist children through grief issues such as parents splitting up, death of someone close, changing homes, adapting to many other changes.
Date: Feb 20, 27 Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 Apr 2, 9 30 May 7, 14
Time: Wed 4.00pm to 5.00 p.m. Cost: No cost
Being a Dad….tips and hints for positive fathering
A three week course assisting fathers to become more effective parents and to acquire the skills necessary to build closer relationships with their children.
Date: May 21, 28 June 4 Time: Wed 6pm to 9 p.m. Cost: $30
Positive Parenting…developing skills to parent effectively
These three sessions of three hours duration each cover Positive Parenting, The Challenge of Disciplining Children and Ideas for Parenting Teens.
Date: Apr 30, May 7, 14 Time: Wed 6pm to 9 p.m. Cost: $30
Interrelate Family Centre
35 Orlando Street, Coffs Harbour
For information and bookings phone
6651 1010
A three hour seminar on ways to learn keeping the romance and passion alive in relationships
Date: Feb 13th, 2008 Time: Wed 6pm to 9pm Cost: $20 person
Self Esteem & Communication…..a path of personal growth
This six week program focuses on communication, assertiveness and self-awareness skills
Date: Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 Apr 2, 9 Time: Wed 6pm to 9 p.m Cost: $60
Seasons for Growth – a grief and loss program for childrenAn 8 week program designed to educate and assist children through grief issues such as parents splitting up, death of someone close, changing homes, adapting to many other changes.
Date: Feb 20, 27 Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 Apr 2, 9 30 May 7, 14
Time: Wed 4.00pm to 5.00 p.m. Cost: No cost
Being a Dad….tips and hints for positive fathering
A three week course assisting fathers to become more effective parents and to acquire the skills necessary to build closer relationships with their children.
Date: May 21, 28 June 4 Time: Wed 6pm to 9 p.m. Cost: $30
Positive Parenting…developing skills to parent effectively
These three sessions of three hours duration each cover Positive Parenting, The Challenge of Disciplining Children and Ideas for Parenting Teens.
Date: Apr 30, May 7, 14 Time: Wed 6pm to 9 p.m. Cost: $30
Interrelate Family Centre
35 Orlando Street, Coffs Harbour
For information and bookings phone
6651 1010
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